The architectural firm of Schaefer Johnson Cox Frey and Associates of Wichita designed a memorial that combines form and function with aesthetic ambiance to provide a special sense of place while honoring those who have served this country through military service.
Sam Frey, lead architect, described entry into the amphitheater as "an experiential path, which is intended to help people transcend from the ordinary to an attitude of quiet respect." The memorial was designed as a park setting to accommodate individual contemplation, and provide a setting for educational programs, memorials and other special events.
Supporters of Veterans Memorial
The overall Memorial includes an entry rampart featuring U.S., state and university flags and the five seals of the uniformed military branches; two impressive entry portals; an arch just behind the reflecting pool with an eternal flame; patriotic bronze sculptures.
One of the most prominent features is the Vietnam Memorial Wall, a half-sized replica of the permanent memorial wall in Washington, D.C. The 250-seat Brock Family Amphitheater serves as the primary venue for special events. The plaza of the amphitheater, as well as the Guy E. and Claire I. Sutherland Entrance Plaza, features more than 3,500 engraved granite pavers paying tribute to veterans and veterans’ organizations. A display of the 50 state flags is featured on the north berm of the memorial.
More than 3,500 engraved granite pavers have been purchased at the PSU Veterans Memorial to honor individual veterans or veterans' organizations since the pavers were first made available. Demand for the pavers continues to exceed expectations. The Brock Family Amphitheater plaza is now filled with pavers, so a second display area – the Guy and Claire Sutherland Entrance Plaza just south of the flag entry rampart – has also been expanded to accommodate the demand.
To purchase a paver or for additional information on pavers call the PSU Office of University Advancement at 620-235-4762 or contact us.
Support the long-term maintenance and future enhancements of the PSU Veterans Memorial by making a gift of any size. All donors will receive a certificate of appreciation.
For assistance in making a donation to support the PSU Veterans Memorial contact the PSU Office of University Advancement at 620-235-4762 or contact us.
The Friends of the Memorial is dedicated to bringing together individuals who want to ensure that the message of duty and honor promoted by the PSU Veterans Memorial is heard for decades to come. Members of this organization, formed by the late Larry Salzman, Girard, KS, and John Devitt, White Pine, MI, understand that the Memorial is a living tribute that must be cared for and nurtured over time.
For an annual investment of $25, or a Lifetime Membership for $250, you and your fellow Friends will play an important role in ensuring that the PSU Veterans Memorial serves the university, the community and the people of the region as a hub of activity focused on honoring our veterans.
If you, too, feel a responsibility to support this amazing facility and the message it conveys to generations of visitors, then you should join the Friends of the Memorial by contacting the PSU Office of University Advancement, 620-235-4762 or contact us.
Pittsburg State has a long history of commitment to the military, from providing an excellent ROTC program to prepare young cadets to enter the Army, to services and programs to celebrate military-centered holidays, to a dedication to providing a peaceful yet moving experience at the most visited site in southeast Kansas: the PSU Veterans Memorial.